About This Website

Almost by definition, popular ideas are boring. If we want something new and better, we must start with what’s currently out of fashion.  Here you will find essays and editorials on society, science and software technology, often with a libertarian perspective. More…

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    Unpopular Ideas

    Almost by definition, popular ideas are sort of boring. If we want something new and better, we must start with what’s currently out of fashion.

    This site is called “Unpopular Ideas” because 1) I have noticed that many of my opinions have long been what you you might call non-mainstream and 2) the UnpopularIdeas.com domain was available. You many not agree with these essays. After all, they are unpopular ideas. But I hope you find them interesting and worth discussing.

    If this site has any unifying theme, it is probably a libertarian orientation. Humanity has accomplished some incredible things in the last few thousand years, but cooperation and benign government are not among them. On most issues, my instinct is that fewer laws and less government intervention usually works best. We humans are a social species, but human intellect often needs to be a solitary pursuit. Individual initiative can outperform even the most august committee.

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